The testing adjusting and balancing or TAB phase of any building construction or renovation is intended to verify that all HVAC water and airflows and pressures meet the design intent and equipment manufacturers operating requirements. It is rare to find an HVAC system of any size that will perform completely satisfactorily without the benefit of TAB.


to determine qualitative performance of equipment.


to regulate the specified fluid flow rate and air patterns at the terminal equipment.


to proportion flows within the distribution system according to the specified design quantities.


HVAC Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB) are the three major steps used to achieve proper operation of HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems The balancing of an HVAC system is usually based upon the design flow values required by the Mechanical Engineer for a project. After testing, we submit a written report which summarizes the testing and balancing and notes any deficiencies found during the TAB work. MEP Commissioning Management is the process of assuring that all systems and components of a building or industrial plant are designed, installed, tested, operated and maintained according to the operational requirements of the owner or final client. Commissioning is a quality process of checks and balances for ensuring building systems are designed, constructed, and operated for peak performance. The budget requirements of some projects will dictate that the owner can afford only basic functional testing. When this occurs, it can have an impact on building performance during design or early construction. Too often the commissioning team is only brought in at the end of the project for functional testing when it is much less cost-effective to make changes for operational efficiency.

Phase Key Commissioning Activities
  • Commissioning is established as an integral part of the project
  • The owner selects the commissioning authority
  • Develop the scope of commissioning
  • Commissioning authority reviews design intent document
  • Review design to ensure it accommodates commissioning
  • Write commissioning specifi cations defining contractor responsibilities
  • Writes the commissioning plan
  • Establish the project schedule
  • Reviews contractor submittals
  • Updates commissioning plan
  • Coordinated—through project schedule, commissioning plan and commissioning plan and commissioning meetings
  • Carry out and document system verifi cation checks
  • Carry out the document equipment and system start-ups
  • Complete documents test and balance work
  • Carry out functional performance tests on all HVAC systems
  • Provide full documentation Post-Acceptance
  • Correct any defi ciencies, and carry out any required re-testing
  • Carry out any required “off-season” tests
  • Update documentation as required